Improperly created entry in the extended event log for when the Blazing Glory uses the "Searing Light" ability.
When the AI controls the Dream Walker, it does not use it's "Sky and Earth" ability.
The Imperial Griffin creature can use its special ability while frozen.
The Griffin will lose its good morale for the turn if the creature uses its "Diving Assault" ability when receiving the bonus.
The "Renew", "Renew, Mass" and "Healing Waves" spells will heal the same unit twice during the same turn if it should receive good morale.
The "Immolation" skill awarded by the "Succubus Master" deals less damage then stated in the description.
The "Death is Not the End" ability will cause opposing units to receive the "Cleave" effect more then once per combat.
Ahribban's ability "Ill Blood" can be cast on undead units, even if they are stated to be immune to any form mind control effects.
Fix for the Nvidia crash when entering Town Screen.
Might and Magic Heroes VI Patch 2.1 Bug Fixes
After creating 100 heroes the 'Create New Hero' button is grayed out and no additional heroes can be created.
Shades Of Darkness Necro Campaign: The game crashes after fighting a stack of skeletons located in the area where the player talks with the Mother Namtaru.
The mana cost of spells is increased if the game is loaded while a Dynasty Weapon that gives mana cost reduction is equipped.
Might and Magic Heroes VI Patch 2.1.1 Bug Fixes
12.2 Adding 4 new Multiplayer Maps and the map a “bridge too far” not present in version 1.0 for a total of 15 custom maps.
12.1 Adding Dynasty Weapons for the Altar of Wishes not present in version 1.0.
11 Might and Magic Heroes VI Patch 1.1.1.
9 Might and Magic Heroes VI Patch 1.2.1. Sanctuary (only Core Units were balanced).
6.5.2 Creature Characteristics modifications.
6.4 Abilities/Creatures Description and Background modifications.
5.3 Pirates Of the Savage Sea Adventure Pack - The King of the Savage Sea map.
5.2 Pirates Of the Savage Sea Adventure Pack - The Fortunes of Captain Hack map.
5.1 Offline / Online saves compatibility first implementation.